
Aline Marion, The Four Subtle Aspects of Creation, Painting on Wood Carving
The Four Subtle Aspects of Creation
Egg Tempera on Carved Yelutong Wood
The Four Subjective Aspects of Creation, encompasses the uncreated essential nature of the creator, before it actually embodies in a material level. It is the essence behind the actual manifestation. On the panel they are represented by the four fold pyramid, rising up in four steps.

The first subjective aspect, the Prakriti, is related to the first power of action, not the action itself, but the power, or the longing of the creator to exist. The second aspect, the Mahat, is related to the intelligence, which is the directive force guiding the manifestation. The third aspect, the Ahamkara, relates to the identification of the manifested substance to that of the creator, it is the relation between the creator and the creature, what some people refer to the “ I am”. And the fourth subjective aspect of creation, the Manas, is that recognition of that I am, which is referred to as the outer mind, the mind which perceives itself as a conscious being. Those four subjective aspects of creation are the pure concept, the templates, before any matter can actually be manifested.

Therefore they are part of the most ethereal principles of the vedic understanding of the universe. Its main qualities are space, infinity and the unseen, which can be associated with the wind, movement and the mind. The indigo and the gold colours are traditionally used to symbolize these qualities. People who are too focused on the material world, which can be suffering from problems such as stagnation, over weight, materialism and heavy burdens, can be benefited from the presence of this work.

This panel is part of the Healing Images series. You can see the other panels linked bellow:

The Three Doshas,
The Five-Fold Manifestation of The Soul,
The Unfolding of Creation,
The Seven Chakras
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