
Aline Marion The Three Doshas, Painting on Wood Carving
The Three Doshas
Jelutong Wood, Gold, Palladium, Rubi, Blue Sapphire, Egg tempera, Natural pigments.
Ayurvedic Tradition understands the Human Body as having three different constitutions, or Doshas: Vata, Pita and Kapha. They are considered to be the power that brings our bodies into existence, and responsible for its susbstance and its functions. Each one of them has its own characteristics and relations with the 7 Rays of the Cosmos.

This Panel brings forth the relationship between the Doshas, the Five Elements and the Nine Planets they correspond to: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu and Ketu, the two Lunar Nodes. This panel is part of the Healing Images series. You can see the other panels linked bellow:

The Five-Fold Manifestation of The Soul,
The Four Subject Aspects of Creation,
The Unfolding of Creation,
The Seven Chakras .
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